Documenta - Drone Pop #1

31. Documenta – Drone Pop #1 (Touch Sensitive)
“Influenced by the English guitar minimalism, the darkness and light of Detroit, and the German Kosmische, Documenta present a true psychedelia through repetition, melody and rhythm…” (touchsensitiverecords.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

Novella - Land32. Novella – Land (Sinderlyn)
“Novella’s debut album, Land, is a controlled blast of mainlined electricity, a tempest of relentless groove and crystalline vocals that is at once the vicious edge and the calm eye of the storm…” (sinderlyn.com)
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A Place To Bury Strangers - Transfixiation33. A Place To Bury Strangers – Transfixiation (Dead Oceans)
“…the band’s small but noticeable stabs at restraint make Transfixiation another step forward in A Place To Bury Strangers’ evolution from brutal experimentalists to more pop-conscious noise rockers.” (www.avclub.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

Death and Vanilla - To Where the Wild Things Are34. Death and Vanilla – To Where the Wild Things Are (Fire Records)
“Named after the Maurice Sendak children’s book, the album is comprised of pop music with a wild, dreamy and experimental edge, celebrating imagination and the ability to travel to stranger recesses of the mind” (Fire records)
Get it on Vinyl here

Chastity Belt - Time To Go Home35. Chastity Belt – Time To Go Home (Hardly Art)
“Recorded in a deconstructed cathedral and mixed by legendary Wire guitarist Matthew Sims, Time to Go Home is a throwback to mid-’80s darkwave that gives it an intellectual edge for its resemblance to such a specific moment in classic British new wave. ..” (spin.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

Moon Duo - Shadow Of The Sun36. Moon Duo – Shadow Of The Sun (Sacred Bones)
“…The unchartered rhythms and tones of this album reflect their strive for equilibrium in this new environment, and you can hear that Shadow of the Sun is the result of months of wrangling with this profound, unsettling way of being…” (www.sacredbonesrecords.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Thingy Wingy37. The Brian Jonestown Massacre – Thingy Wingy (A Records)
“This album brings the traditional Brian Jonestown Massacre sound mixed with eastern influences & bringing it up to date with the benefit of all the additional weirdness that’s been discovered in the past 40 years…”
Get it on Vinyl here

Shinies - Nothing Like Something Happens Anywhere38. Shinies – Nothing Like Something Happens Anywhere (Dirty Bingo)
“The sunrise through squinted eyes drifty narrative of Larkin’s key poem is the perfect backdrop to the swells and swirls of their impressive shoegaze-pop debut long play…” (dirtybingorecords.greedbag.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

Creepoid - Cemetery Highrise Slum39. Creepoid – Cemetery Highrise Slum (Collect Records)
“this new collection feels like their most fleshed-out release to date, fulfilling the gloomy promise of their doom-laden brand of slowcore by mixing in a glassy-eyed sense of melody that’d make Meat Puppets proud” (www.spin.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

Haybaby - Sleepy Kids40. Haybaby – Sleepy Kids (Tiny Engines)
“Somewhere between the art punk of Blonde Redhead & Sonic Youth, the classic indie rock of The Pixies & The Breeders & the attitude of Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Haybaby impatiently reside. They also sprinkles a little bit of sludge & noise pop into the mix & balances their raw energy with deceptive and captivating melodies” (www.tinyengines.net)
Get it on Vinyl here

The Sonic Dawn - Perception41. The Sonic Dawn – Perception (Nasoni)
“The Sonic Dawn (formerly The Mind Flowers) is a Copenhagen-based psychedelic blues collective with occasional folk flourishes. They seem to be channeling that cool West Coast sound from the late 60s on their latest Nasoni Records release “Perception”, combining obvious Hendrix & Love influences…” (active-listener.blogspot)
Get it on Vinyl here

The Orange Revival - Futurecent42. The Orange Revival – Futurecent (Fuzz Club Records)
“…Echoing some of the wildest chapters of Rock & Roll history, from The Stooges to Brian Jonestown Massacre and early Nebula, the record has a 60s hypnotic flavour, spiced up with hammering drums, organ buzz and fuzzy guitar riffs…”
Get it on Vinyl here

Vision - Inertia43. Vision – Inertia (Burger Records)
“If punk is more a way of life than a defined sound then Vision is clearly a punk band. Inertia stands toe-to-toe with the band’s previous effort, both in terms of writing & raw emotional energy, as well as the on-point bass playing & ferocious vocals-signature traits of a band that has always deserved more attention than they’ve been given” (larecord.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

Paul Orwell - Blowing Your Mind Away44. Paul Orwell – Blowing Your Mind Away (Heavy Soul)
“The young brash lad has just flipped that sound and released one of the best sounding ‘60s beat British Invasion records in 2015 with plenty of distorted guitars, mood pacing organ, and hooks that will keep you coming back for more…” (thefirenote.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

Moa Bones - Spun45. Moa Bones – Spun (Inner Ear)
“Summery sonic vibes, harmoniously floating melodic ease and ludic electronic waves – Moa Bones’ dreamfully pensive yet vividly sparkling release ‘Spun’ comes in as a fresh breeze of sound carrying dainty, delicate folk-music bliss of exciting experimental ethos…” (whenthehornblows.blogspot)
Get it on Vinyl here

White Noise Sound - Like A Pyramid Of Fire46. White Noise Sound – Like A Pyramid Of Fire (Rocket Girl)
“…a metronomic and hypnotic onslaught of melody, groove and exploration which goes beyond the standard tropes of psychedelia…” (rocketgirl.co.uk)
Get it on Vinyl here


Pinkshinyultrablast - Everything Else Matters47. Pinkshinyultrablast – Everything Else Matters (Club AC30)
“…Did you missed Lush or Slowdive? If yes, then don’t look any farther! You will get both of them in a package of one! The Russians Pinkshinyultrablast are coming to fill the gap!!!!…” (http://blackspinrecords.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

White Manna - Pan48. White Manna – Pan (Cardinal Fuzz)
“Pan is the equivalent to a surging psychedelic whirlwind, however you keep second-guessing what you’re hearing because little do you realize you’re stranded in the center of a scorching desert…” (styrofoamdrone.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

New Candys - New Candys As Medicine49. New Candys – New Candys As Medicine (Picture In My Ear)
“With original Loop drummer/producer John Wills on knob twiddling duties, and 2 members of the band also making up Mexican mind benders Lorelle Meets the Obsolete’s live line up, New Candys are certainly keeping the right company to brew up a right old Psychedelic hoedown…” (echoesanddust.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

The Amazing - Picture You50. The Amazing – Picture You (Partisan Records)
“If drugs are synthetic love, The Amazing is the syringe, and “Picture You” is the drug you’ve always wanted to try but never did. Take a vacation from the bullshit, get addicted, and then get your friends fucked up…” (partisanrecords.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

My Expansive Awareness - ST51. My Expansive Awareness – ST (Analog Love Records)
“My Expansive Awareness is a classic neo-psych band in the Brian Jonestown Massacre mold (the good years), giving us good riffs, driving rhythms, groovy moods and just a hint of darkness. Music for dusk. Not quite day and not quite night, the in-between time when life is at its most exciting and all things are possible…” (ymbdad.blogspot)
Get it on Vinyl here

The Black Ryder - The Door Behind The Door52. The Black Ryder – The Door Behind The Door (The Anti-Machine Machine)
“…The talent they showed for crafting atmospheres is even more impressive here: thanks to the lavish production & arrangements, The Door Behind the Door is crisper & more massive-sounding than its predecessor.” (www.allmusic.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

Shadow In The Cracks - ST53. Shadow In The Cracks – ST (Goner Records)
The brothers Blaha (The Blind Shake) are back with Shadow In The Cracks, a new side project that sounds like the devil’s work for their rarely idle hands….plays like the psyched-out, sleep-deprived flipside to the melodic scuzz they’ve become known for…” (http://noisey.vice.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

Gunman And The Holy Ghost - The Story of Radiate & Novocaine54. Gunman And The Holy Ghost – The Story of Radiate & Novocaine (8MM Music)
“The album is first and foremost one thing: misery ballads, which serenade opposites attracting and colliding. Love and separation, inner demons and the surreal aspects of human existence…” (fuzzclub.com)
Get it on Vinyl here

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